Healthy oceans are our lifeline

The Maldives Resilient Reefs exists to restore healthy oceans. Our vision is an island nation that has fully protected 30 per cent of its waters from all extractive activities and is sustainably managing the other 70 per cent.


Resilience is the ability of a system – i.e., a country or community – to prevent, resist, absorb, adapt, respond and recover from a shock or disruption in a timely and effective manner without compromising its long-term prospects.

We work closely with communities, fisherfolk, governments and the private sector to ensure that the coral reefs in the Maldives are resilient to the impacts of climate change. This include expanding the coverage of effectively managed Marine Protected Areas and promoting locally tailored models of sustainable, small-scale fisheries that benefit Maldivian people.

Increasing Marine Protection To Build Climate Resilience
Increasing marine protection to build climate resilience
Improving The Sustainability Of Maldivian Fisheries
Improving the sustainability of Maldivian fisheries
Promoting And Encouraging Environmentally Responsible Tourism
Promote and encourage environmentally responsible tourism
Strengthening The Local Capacity For Marine Conservation
Strengthen the local capacity for marine conservation

Laamu MPA

Six new Marine Protected Areas have been designated on Laamu Atoll

#ProtectMaldives Seagrass

25% of tourist resorts in the Maldives have committed to support seagrass conservation

#Laamaseelu Masveriyaa

33 reef fishers in Laamu Atoll have signed the Maldives’ first reef fishery code of conduct


Masmahaa-Veshi, an e-learning hub aimed at increasing marine literacy among Maldivians. The modules are available in both Dhivehi and English and are free of charge. The aim of the project is to raise awareness about the biggest issues facing our oceans and how we can tackle them.